Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
our new nephew Elijah
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Trevor's first quarter report card
Trevor had his best report card ever.
2 - B's & the rest A's.
We are so proud of him. Way to go Trevor. He improve his reading too. Keep up the good work.
2 - B's & the rest A's.
We are so proud of him. Way to go Trevor. He improve his reading too. Keep up the good work.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Trevor cell phone
Trevor lost his cell phone sometime on Monday, October 26. We didn't notice till like 8:45 p.m. Monday night. We look all though his backpack, no phone. Steve & Christina both looked though Steve's car. Christina call Trevor's cell, it rang & rang and rang then it went to voice mail. Steve called too, it did the same thing. Tuesday when Steve took Trevor to youth center before school care, they look though Trevor's locker at the youth center. Not in there. Monday night Steve had took Trevor back to his office to get homework done before cub scout meeting. Steve checked his office, no cell phone. He called the phone, this time it wasn't on, it went right to voice mail. Later that morning Christina & Steve went to a winter meeting on base. We both tried calling the phone then. Still not on, went right to voice mail. So we thought ok maybe the battery died. After the meeting Christina went to school and talked to the sectary. No phone had been turned in. But she would be on lookout for it. Christina looked though lost & found. I found a sweatshirt Trevor had lost. LOL. I went to his class & look though where they keep there backpacks. I talked to Trevor's teacher, so she knew. Later that afternoon I was on IM with my friend Amy who lives in Virginia. She was like did you get Trevor's cell phone back. I am like how did you know Trevor lost it. I hadn't even told her about it. They had call her house & left a answer machine message saying the youth center had Trevor Barosko's cell phone. I was trying to figure out why they called her. Then I thought oh ok her son name is Brendan (Trevor's friend). The contacts are in ABC order. Maybe she turn on Trevor's cell phone & call the first number on his list. I called Steve and told him. When Steve picked up Trevor after school he asked about the phone. At first the lady behind deck said no phones have been turned in. Then she turned around and saw it sitting there. Steve was like yes that is Trevor's cell phone. He called me & told me they had phone. He said it is dead, it needs to be charged. So when they got home I went to charge it & it said not able to charge. Steve said lets take battery out & put back in and then try charging. Otherwise we will need to get his phone looked at at Verizon store. Steve took case off the phone, took back off the phone to get to the battery and guess what....... no battery. It was gone. Steve took cell phone in to youth center today to talk to the youth center about it. The director is who Steve talked too. She is the one who called Amy. She took all our info & took phone back too. She was going to check into things today. Director e-mailed Steve this morning. Wanting to know what day & time she had called our friend. So I called Amy & got that info. Director is trying to figure out did a kid go behind counter or was it one her staff or was it a cleaning person that night who stole the battery.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
First base house offered to us
We got offered a house on base last week. It was an old house on base. There are two elementary schools on base. The house would have NOT been in Trevor's school area. So Christina would have to drive Trevor to & from school each day. It was only like 2 miles, but still. Steve signed we would take the house. He started working on the details to move our self and make some money. He called base housing office to tell them we will move our self. They told Steve sorry we ran out money so we have no money to move you right now. It could be October or November till we get more money in. Steve & Christina went to a party on base that Friday night. Many people at party told us the house we signed for had flooding issues. The housing office never told us any of this info. Monday was a holiday. Tuesday Steve was already going to a housing meeting to learn the rules what we can and can't do. Steve told the guy what we heard the house we signed for had flooding issues. He told us we can pass on # 1 house we got offered. And stay in the # 2 slot on base housing list we were at. The people who are # 1 on waiting list we are on live off base too, but they are in a year lease on the house they rented. So they probably won't take a house on base till closer till they lease is up. We are hoping to get offered a base house in the area of Trevor's school. We will have to wait & see.
Monday, October 5, 2009
mid quarter report card
Trevor got his mid quarter report card today. He did WONDERFUL. He got 6 A's, 2 B's, couple S+. Best report card ever. We are so proud of him. Keep up the good work TJ!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
End of September blog
Trevor's IEP (special ed) meeting went fine. Steve & I (Christina) are so far very pleased with Trevor's school & the teachers. Steve & Trevor been doing cub scouts every week. He is in his last year of cub scouts before coming a boy scout. Steve has been working many long hours & even goes to work on weekends also. Trevor's school tested Trevor on his reading level & it was low. 2nd grade 8th month (so basically start of 3rd grade level.) He is in 5th grade. How could have Virginia miss that, there is no way. Maybe Trevor was scared, nervous, etc. So they put TJ in a after school program "fast forword". He goes every day after school for an hour, for the whole school year. He has been going one week now. He said it is like playing a video game on the computer, but a learning game. Yesterday was the fall festival on base. Christina help for Steve's group 91 OGV. Christina help Helen (her husband Todd runs the 91 OSS group). Helen & Christina combine their spouses group. Next year if all goes as planned, Steve will move up to another group. He will be 2nd in charge of that squadron. Guess who will be in charge to plan & organize the fall festival....... Christina. (Well if the person who will be above Steve in that squadron is married, then her & I will be in charge. OMG that is ALOT of work. Plus our normal spouses stuff we are suppose to be doing. I want Steve to move up the ladder for his job. But that means MORE work for me to do. We really been enjoying the nice hot temps. (70-80) But we are scared we think we are done with the nice temps. Here comes the cooler weather. And maybe even snow soon. OH MY GOSH! LOL.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What been going on with us, last few week.
School is going fine for TJ. Christina asked him who does he like better 4th grade teacher from Virginia Mrs. McDannell or this year 5th grade teacher from North Dakota Mrs. Melton. (We thought for sure he would say Mrs. McDannell just cause he knows her better.) He said ohhhhh that is hard choose I like them both tie. We are glad he is adjusting to the new school okay. He has made a new friend Erik. He knows Erik from before school care & after school at the youth center. Erik is in 6th grade. TJ is in 5th grade. But they are about a month apart in age. Erik spend the night at our house last Friday. They had a great time. Steve signed TJ up for cub scouts last night. They start next week. TJ is getting used to the rountine. Steve & TJ get up about 5:00 a.m. They are out the door at 6:00 a.m. We live about 30 min from base. He goes to before school care 6:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. He goes to school 8:30 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. Then he goes to the youth center after school to hang out till Steve gets him around 5:30 p.m. Then they come home. Unless Steve has more work to get done, then he picks up TJ & goes back to his office to get more stuff done. Sometimes they don't get home till 7:00 p.m. or later. Makes for a very long day for TJ. Today we got a auto starter put in Christina's car. Let's hope that will help when the COLD winter hits here in North Dakota. We are # 4 on the base housing list. Next week we have an IEP (special ed) meeting for TJ.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
first day of school

So very long day for Trevor. Our off base house rental is about 30 min from base.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Our summer (Very LONG)
It has been a long time since I blog. WOW does selling house & vacations & moving take a lot out of you. We will give an update. Christina's little sister Kara got married June 13 in North Carolina. So around June 11 we started basically living out of a suitcase. We left our dog Jazmine & Steve's car in North Carolina. Came back to Virginia for a couple days. June 17 Trevor's last day of 4th grade, we flew to Florida for 10 days. We visit with Steve's Aunt/Uncle for a few days and then went to time share for rest of time and went to Disney Parks. Went back to Virginia for 1 1/2 days. Christina said her sad & crying goodbyes, it was hard. Then we (Christina, Steve & Trevor) drove to Ohio June 28 for Christina's family reunion for a week. Steve flew to North Carolina July 4 to get Jazmine. He spend night at Christina's parents house. Christina & Trevor stayed with her mom Nancy & step dad Paul at a cousins house on July 4. Then they drove to Illinois. Steve drove back to Virginia on July 5. Steve got house packed up & did checking out for military stuff. Christina, Trevor, Nancy & Paul stayed with Paul's sister Mary for a few days, then to see his brother Don, then few more days to see his other sister Joanne. Nancy & Paul flew back to North Carolina. Christina & Trevor went to Steve's sister Tammy house on July 12. Steve got there July 14. Trevor & his cousin Gillian went to day camp all week. We stayed at Tammy & Todd's house till July 17. That day started our drive to North Dakota. We got to North Dakota July 19. It took a few weeks to find a OK place to rent. The house we are renting has no bathtubs (Christina is a big bathtub person) or garage for us to use. And winters are BAD here. But owner is letting us have our dog here & is doing month to month rent for us. Owner Frank lives in apartment attach to house. We have the house. It is 3 bedrooms & 2 1/2 bathroom & fence in backyard. We were in the base hotel till August 13. (So almost a month of living in a hotel.) We are # 4 on base housing list. We are hoping to get onto base housing as soon as possibly. Trevor meet some kids at the playground at the base hotel, the kids houses back up to the playground. Christina has meet the mom Joanne. We decided to register Trevor at the base school. Steve will take Trevor to before school care on base. Trevor will go to youth center after school till Steve can get him after work. So cheap for Trevor to join youth center ( $24 a whole year). Trevor starts school August 27. Above picture is of the house we are renting off base.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Goody Bye dinner
Some friends had a good bye dinner for me at Olive Garden in Mannass on Monday, June 15 at 7:00 p.m. We had fun chatting & laughing. Who all showed up: Amy O'Brien, Jill Abbott, Debbie Morgal, Jenifer Williams, Vicky Hirst, Ilse Buchheit, Kerry Ferman (?) not sure of her last name. Thank you ladies for showing up. It really meant alot to me. I will miss you so much.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
MOVING to North Dakota
The military approve Trevor's special ed stuff (medical stuff). Steve got "Orders" tonight. Finally some good news. We all have been super stressed. Steve will go tommorow to set up packers / movers & get a move date. Then we can get some details in place.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Orders delayed
Steve found out today that our orders are delayed. We may NOT be moving to North Dakota. Trevor having special ed stuff has our orders on hold. They are re checking into things. They think they may not be able to provide Trevor with the services he needs. Steve asked the military does that mean I have to move alone to North Dakota, they said no you won't be moving to North Dakota at all. We will pull your orders. We are so stressed. If we find out for sure we can't move to North Dakota it will be super stress big time. Our house, Steve job, etc, etc etc. I just don't know what we are going to do. I hope we hear a answer either way SOON.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
quick update
Let's see.... where to start? Our house is under contract. We close escrow on July 13. But working on closing earlier. We still DON'T have orders (paperwork) for our move. LOL, at this rate we could be homeless & still don't have orders. The last few weeks Christina took Trevor to many doctor appts to get stuff signed for orders, since he gets special ed help. May 22 Christina, Steve & Trevor went to North Carolina till May 25. We had a great time visiting with everyone. May 23 we went to beach with Christina's family and spend night in hotel. Steve's birthday was May 24. He is 37 years old. Christina has a cavity filled yesterday, she has 2 more to get filled. Trevor will go to dentist in a few weeks to get 2 cavities filled. Today Christina is having lunch with a couple friends. Trevor & Steve are Tae Kwon Do belt testing on Friday, May 29 for their red belts. Saturday Trevor is going to a birthday party for little girl in our neighborhood. Then we are going to a cub scout space day. Sunday, we have our end of year cub scout party for Steve's boys (Den). We are BUSY BUSY BUSY till we move.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Tuesday, May 12 we put house up for sale $389,990. We had about 20 people come & look at house. We had one offer Thursday $373,000. We turned that down. Friday we got another offer $395,000 & they want us to pay $5,000 closing cost & want to close on house June 15.
So we counter offered back: lower price $390,000, they pay closing cost & close on house July 13. They agreed. So now we have a verbal contract. We also said on paper work as soon as we get orders and get packers & movers set up we will try to get it as close as possibly to June 15, but no later then July 13.
So we counter offered back: lower price $390,000, they pay closing cost & close on house July 13. They agreed. So now we have a verbal contract. We also said on paper work as soon as we get orders and get packers & movers set up we will try to get it as close as possibly to June 15, but no later then July 13.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
gastroscopy procedure
Christina is having a gastroscopy procedure this morning. (Why has she been coughing for 5+ years?) We have to be there at 7:00 a.m. Procedure starts at 8:00 a.m.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
House for Sale!
House officially went up for sale today. $389,990. Here is the link.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Delaying putting house up for sale
We are delaying a week or two to put house up for sale. Just arn't ready yet. We are still declutting, organizing & cleaning. Wednesday, May 6 realtor comes to take pictures inside & outside of the house.
Monday, April 27, 2009
House for Sale
Friday, April 10, 2009
Kara is going to have a baby
Christina's sister Kara is pregnant. In June 2009 Kara & her boyfriend Ricky plan on getting married. The baby is due around December 1, 2009. So we will have a new niece or nephew this year. Christina wishes we weren't moving to North Dakota, so we can see the baby more.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Step dad & Niece visiting a week
Amaya (our 6 year old niece) & Christina's step dad Paul came on Thursday, April 2 to visit for a week. Steve & Paul left Friday, April 3 to drive to MI. for the final four basketball game. So during that time Christina had Amaya & Trevor. Friday Trevor had school. Amaya & Christina went shopping. We had lunch with Trevor at school. (Thursday night Amaay had done a cartwheel & kicked Trevor's right hand really hard by mistake.) I took Trevor to school nurse after lunch to have her look at his hand. She suggested I take him to ER to have them look at it. So off to ER we went. It wasn't broke, but it was sprain. Then we stopped by my friend's house to tell her about it. Saturday my friend Amy & her kids came over to play & have lunch. Sunday Trevor had swim lessons. Then we went to Olive Garden for lunch (since it is one of Amya's fave places to eat.) Then went to movies to see Monsters vs. Aliens. Then the kids played with neighborhood friends at their house & then we had dinner & the friends came over to play at our house. Monday we rented a movie from Redbox (Beverly Hills Chihuahua). Then we had dinner. Then Amaya & Trevor played at our house with Tyler & Ashley. Then we went back to Red Box & rented 3 more movies. Watched Marley & Me last night, Trevor & Christina cried.
Tuesday, Amaya & Trevor watched 2 more movies from red box. We had McDonalds for lunch. Steve & Paul are driving back from MI. They should be back around 9 p.m. tonight. Trevor is going to go to Tae Kwon Do tonight, so Amaya can see him. Tommorow Paul & Amaya take the train back to North Carolina. Trevor is on on spring break. Trevor goes back to school Tuesday, April 14.
Tuesday, Amaya & Trevor watched 2 more movies from red box. We had McDonalds for lunch. Steve & Paul are driving back from MI. They should be back around 9 p.m. tonight. Trevor is going to go to Tae Kwon Do tonight, so Amaya can see him. Tommorow Paul & Amaya take the train back to North Carolina. Trevor is on on spring break. Trevor goes back to school Tuesday, April 14.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Trevor broken tooth
Yesterday evening Trevor was riding his scooter and fell & broke off part of his tooth. Christina called dentist they were closed. She called this morning dentist is out of town. So we took Trevor somewhere else to get it fixed. They bonded his tooth. He didn't need any needles or laughing gas. Pretty easy fix. Then Steve went back to work. Christina took Trevor to the Orthodontist. His old retainer had broken, and with his bonded tooth it wouldn't fit his old retainer. So Christina called Orthodontist & they said I could bring him right in & they would make him a new retainer. After wards Christina took Trevor back to school.
Friday, March 27, 2009
UPDATE 3/27/09
Christina watched Peyton (she is 17 months old), all day Tuesday & Wednesday. She was a good girl. Wednesday afternoon Christina also watch another friends kids; Sean & Megan (they are 4 years old, almost 5). Trevor had a great time playing with kids. He so wants us to have another baby. Steve ran a 5K last Sunday. He came in 80ish out of 200ish. We are proud of him. Trevor is taking level 4 swim lessons at a indoor pool. Trevor's swim lessons end in 2 weeks. We signed him up for another session. This level is hard for him, so we think he is where he should be, so he can learn alot. He might have to take this level many times till he passes. Trevor had a great 11th birthday. (But he was sick, he threw up the day before at school. Don't know if he was sick sick or sad sick cause of his great Grandma dieing.) We are still waiting on orders (paperwork with dates & info on our move to North Dakota.) Christina is still HOPING we don't have to move to North Dakota. Even though we probably are still moving. Trevor has one week left of school till his spring break starts. Christina is volunteering at school next week with kindergarten sign ups & she is babysitting few times next week too. Steve & Trevor are busy with cub scouts & tae kwon do. Our niece Amaya is coming with Christina's step dad Paul to visit. Paul & Steve are going to a final 4 college basketball games in MI. Paul & Amaya get here Thursday, April 2. Steve & Paul leave for MI Friday, April 3. Trevor is going to have so much fun playing with Amaya for a week. Steve & Paul get back from MI Tuesday, April 7. Amaya & Paul leave Wednesday, April 8 to take train back to NC. So the next few weeks will be busy for us.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Today & tommorow I am babysitting all day. It is for my friend Kristen. Her daughter is 17 months old, her name is Peyton. She cried when her mom left. I gave her snack, then she calm down.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Trevor!!!
Today is Trevor's 11th birthday. Happy Birthday Trevor. He stayed home from school cause he was sick.
Update on Trevor
Trevor did stay at school all day long yesterday. But he didn't get any work done. He didn't eat lunch. He was too sad. This is his first death, being older & can understand more. He had a snack before chorus started. He did go to chorus, but start of chorus felt sick & threw up in bathroom (5 times). So the helper for chorus called, so I went & picked him up. So I don't know if sick cause he is sick sick or sad.
So he is home today from school.
So he is home today from school.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Trevor is having a very hard time with the sad news.
When we heard the sad news about Steve's Grandma, Christina wrote an e-mail to Trevor's special ed teacher & main teacher, so they knew what was going on. Trevor's special ed teacher Mrs. Patton called Christina a few hours ago. Trevor is really having a hard time with the news of his Great Grandma Edythe dieing. Trevor been sitting at his desk or having his head down & crying softly to himself. He hasn't gotten any work done. He is not focusing at all today. We can't blame him. We are really pushing for him to stay at school. Even if he gets nothing done today. We understand completely. The more we think about it, this is his first death with him being older. He will be 11 years old tomorrow. When Trevor was 1 year old Christina's Grandma (Trevor's great Grandma) died. Trevor was too young to understand. So his teachers are going to TRY to get him to stay at school today, even if does nothing. He has chorus after school. I asked Mrs. Patton to send the chorus teacher an e-mail explaining about what happened today. She said sure she would. I suggest maybe she get Trevor to talk to the school counselor.
Steve's Grandma
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Birthday weekend
Trevor is having his 11th birthday party tomorrow, Sunday, March 15. We invited 25 kids (neighborhood friends, few from his class, cub scout boys). So far 20 have RSVP and said yes, 1 no & 4 never answered. Party is from 1:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. They will meet at our house 1:15. We will leave to drive them to a indoor pool at 1:30. They will swim from 2-4. Change & drive back to our house. 4:30 - 6:00 have pizza, cake & ice cream & open gifts. Last night Trevor & Christina started setting up for party. We will work little more on setting up today. And the last min. set up will be done on Sunday. Christina is getting a cake from Costco.
Trevor's real birthday is Tuesday, March 17 (St. Patrick's day). 11 years old he will be.
Trevor's real birthday is Tuesday, March 17 (St. Patrick's day). 11 years old he will be.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Hoping to do before we move.
We are trying to do and see as much as possibly before we move. Trevor gets out of school June 17. We are flying to FL. that day or next. We are hoping to be able to visit Steve's Aunt/Uncle & Grandma a few days, then go to the Disney parks rest of time. Fly back to VA. June 26. On June 28 drive to OH. for Christina's family reunion for a week. Steve will fly back to VA. July 4 or 5. And get the house packed & moved. Christina, Trevor, Christina's mom Nancy & step dad Paul will drive from OH. to IL. to see Paul's side of family for a week. Nancy & Paul will fly back home to NC. Trevor & Christina will go to Steve's sister Tammy house in IL. till Steve gets there with other car & the dog Jazmine. We will tow Steve's car behind Christina's car and drive to North Dakota.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Steve got offer a job in North Dakota. So we will be moving to North Dakota July 2009. Christina is not happy about it. We will be so far away from everyone. So sad. We will probably be there 3 years. Now we are working on the details of the move. And what to do with our Virginia house, sell or rent, etc. It is almost March, we need to have everything in place by June, that is not to far away.
Friday, February 20, 2009
TJ sick now
TJ is now starting to get sick. He said his throart was hurting him. He is starting to get a bad cough. Last night we started him on medicine we bought at the store. We are sure he is just getting what Christina has, she is at the tail end of a cold.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Christina birthday was yesterday, she turned 35 years old. She has a cold. She hasn't been feeling good. (coughing, sneezing, runny nose, headache, sore throat) She been laying in bed, resting, napping, going on laptop, watching TV. She might skip going to the gym (Curves) this week, till she feels better.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Been a few weeks
We haven't posted on here in a few weeks. Christina went to North Carolina January 23 - February 2. She was gone 1 1/2 weeks. She did a bunch when she was there visiting. Her little sister Kara graduated from High School early, that was the main reason she went to NC. When Christina was in NC she watched her niece Amaya for 2 days, had lunch at school w/ Amaya, watch Amaya's cheer leading competition, watch her nephew Tre's basketball game, went to movies w/ her mom, we saw: Mall Cop & Bride Wars. We out to eat a few times. Worked out at Curves 3 times, went to church a couple times, went to Kara's college & had lunch w/ her & saw her dorm room. When Christina was gone to NC, Steve & Trevor stayed here in Virginia. Christina was sad she missed Trevor's pine wood derby for cub scouts & his chorus program for school. Steve had a Superbowl party at our house for his work friends.
Steve did a GREAT job making sure everything for Trevor got done. (like homework, read, spelling words, signing papers, showers, bedtime, etc.)
Trevor started last week at school Cub Club. He goes Tuesday & Thursday an hour before school starts and kinda gets extra help in Language Arts. (Reading & Writing, etc.) Mondays after school Trevor stays after to do chorus. Trevor & Steve are hoping to be able to test for their next belt in Tae Kwon Do end of February. Last week Steve hurt his ring finger on his left hand. He torn the ligament on the top knuckle on his finger. So he has to have it wrapped for at least 6 weeks.
Steve did a GREAT job making sure everything for Trevor got done. (like homework, read, spelling words, signing papers, showers, bedtime, etc.)
Trevor started last week at school Cub Club. He goes Tuesday & Thursday an hour before school starts and kinda gets extra help in Language Arts. (Reading & Writing, etc.) Mondays after school Trevor stays after to do chorus. Trevor & Steve are hoping to be able to test for their next belt in Tae Kwon Do end of February. Last week Steve hurt his ring finger on his left hand. He torn the ligament on the top knuckle on his finger. So he has to have it wrapped for at least 6 weeks.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Christina being an over worried Mommy
Christina leaves today to take the train to North Carolina. She is not feeling well, she thinks she is catching a cold. (January 23-February 2 she is gone.) She is very worried that everything gets done around here correctly. (TJ homework, Steve signing his papers each night for school, TJ events, TJ medicine, Cub Scout pinewood derby, TJ chorus program, Steve's work superbowl party, ETC.) She knows she is over worrying and it will turn out fine. Being a Mommy is hard work.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
4 day weekend
Trevor has a 4 day weekend off from school. Steve has a 4 day weekend off from work. Today (Saturday) Steve worked on Trevor's pinewood derby car. Trevor got chores done around the house. Steve is reading a book. Now Trevor has his friend Brendan over to play. Steve is going to go geocach soon. Tomorrow (Sunday) Steve will go grocery shopping. Christina will get laundry done. We will get the house picked up. Steve & Trevor will get ready to go snow tubing. Monday Steve & Trevor are going snow tubing with some cub scouts boys & their families. Christina will enjoy some peace & quiet. She will probably read, watch TV, take a nap, watch a DVD, etc. Tuesday Steve & Trevor have Inauguration day off from work & school. Trevor & Steve have a cub scout meeting & they will finish up Trevor's pine wood derby car. Steve & Trevor will probably go to Tae Kwon Do one night too. Christina will start packing for her week trip in North Carolina.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Our week...
Trevor & Steve been working on Trevor's pine wood derby car for cub scouts. Christina been hanging out with neighborhood friends the past 2 mornings and chit chatting & drinking coffee (well hot coco). She went to Curves today. Steve is looking for a job at the Pentagon. So we can hopfully stay in the area. Next week Steve & Trevor are going snow tubbing on Monday. A week from Friday Christina is going to North Carolina for a week. Her little sister Kara is graduating from High School. Steve & Trevor have Tae Kwon Do tonight. We are hopping at least one day this winter they get a snow day. So Trevor can play in the snow. Friday Christina goes and plays Bunco.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Lieutenant Colonel
I forgot to send out a blog that Steve found out that he will become Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. He will become that rank sometime later this year. We are so proud of him. Keep up the good work Steve, Way to go.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Start to the year 2009
TJ is back in school. Morning are still a bit hard to adjust to get up and get going. Today we all were very tired to get up. Maybe cause it is raining and kinda dark out. Steve & TJ are back to Tae Kwon Do. And this week they start back to Cub Scouts meetings. TJ started back to chorus at school on Monday. Christina did end up taking a 2 week break from Curves (working out at gym). She is back to working out 3 days a week. Next week Christina will do her volunteering at the school at the welcome table. Today Christina babysat for her friend Amy. Amy had a meeting at the school, so Christina watch Sean & Megan (her youngest, they are twins.) We are hoping to hear soon if Steve will be promoted to Air Force Lieutenant Colonel this year for sure or not. Cross your fingers and hope for the best.
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