Sunday, February 22, 2009


Steve got offer a job in North Dakota. So we will be moving to North Dakota July 2009. Christina is not happy about it. We will be so far away from everyone. So sad. We will probably be there 3 years. Now we are working on the details of the move. And what to do with our Virginia house, sell or rent, etc. It is almost March, we need to have everything in place by June, that is not to far away.

Friday, February 20, 2009

TJ sick now

TJ is now starting to get sick. He said his throart was hurting him. He is starting to get a bad cough. Last night we started him on medicine we bought at the store. We are sure he is just getting what Christina has, she is at the tail end of a cold.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Christina birthday was yesterday, she turned 35 years old. She has a cold. She hasn't been feeling good. (coughing, sneezing, runny nose, headache, sore throat) She been laying in bed, resting, napping, going on laptop, watching TV. She might skip going to the gym (Curves) this week, till she feels better.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Been a few weeks

We haven't posted on here in a few weeks. Christina went to North Carolina January 23 - February 2. She was gone 1 1/2 weeks. She did a bunch when she was there visiting. Her little sister Kara graduated from High School early, that was the main reason she went to NC. When Christina was in NC she watched her niece Amaya for 2 days, had lunch at school w/ Amaya, watch Amaya's cheer leading competition, watch her nephew Tre's basketball game, went to movies w/ her mom, we saw: Mall Cop & Bride Wars. We out to eat a few times. Worked out at Curves 3 times, went to church a couple times, went to Kara's college & had lunch w/ her & saw her dorm room. When Christina was gone to NC, Steve & Trevor stayed here in Virginia. Christina was sad she missed Trevor's pine wood derby for cub scouts & his chorus program for school. Steve had a Superbowl party at our house for his work friends.
Steve did a GREAT job making sure everything for Trevor got done. (like homework, read, spelling words, signing papers, showers, bedtime, etc.)
Trevor started last week at school Cub Club. He goes Tuesday & Thursday an hour before school starts and kinda gets extra help in Language Arts. (Reading & Writing, etc.) Mondays after school Trevor stays after to do chorus. Trevor & Steve are hoping to be able to test for their next belt in Tae Kwon Do end of February. Last week Steve hurt his ring finger on his left hand. He torn the ligament on the top knuckle on his finger. So he has to have it wrapped for at least 6 weeks.