Saturday, August 29, 2009

first day of school

Here is Trevor "TJ" before he left for his first day at North Plains Elementary School on Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota. He is in 5th grade now. He is 11 years old. His teacher is Mrs. Melton. He is so nervous, being new to a new school. Not knowing anyone really. He will go to before school care 6:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. School is from 8:30 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. Then after school he will go to youth center till Steve can pick him up & come home. That will be around 5:30 p.m.
So very long day for Trevor. Our off base house rental is about 30 min from base.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our summer (Very LONG)

It has been a long time since I blog. WOW does selling house & vacations & moving take a lot out of you. We will give an update. Christina's little sister Kara got married June 13 in North Carolina. So around June 11 we started basically living out of a suitcase. We left our dog Jazmine & Steve's car in North Carolina. Came back to Virginia for a couple days. June 17 Trevor's last day of 4th grade, we flew to Florida for 10 days. We visit with Steve's Aunt/Uncle for a few days and then went to time share for rest of time and went to Disney Parks. Went back to Virginia for 1 1/2 days. Christina said her sad & crying goodbyes, it was hard. Then we (Christina, Steve & Trevor) drove to Ohio June 28 for Christina's family reunion for a week. Steve flew to North Carolina July 4 to get Jazmine. He spend night at Christina's parents house. Christina & Trevor stayed with her mom Nancy & step dad Paul at a cousins house on July 4. Then they drove to Illinois. Steve drove back to Virginia on July 5. Steve got house packed up & did checking out for military stuff. Christina, Trevor, Nancy & Paul stayed with Paul's sister Mary for a few days, then to see his brother Don, then few more days to see his other sister Joanne. Nancy & Paul flew back to North Carolina. Christina & Trevor went to Steve's sister Tammy house on July 12. Steve got there July 14. Trevor & his cousin Gillian went to day camp all week. We stayed at Tammy & Todd's house till July 17. That day started our drive to North Dakota. We got to North Dakota July 19. It took a few weeks to find a OK place to rent. The house we are renting has no bathtubs (Christina is a big bathtub person) or garage for us to use. And winters are BAD here. But owner is letting us have our dog here & is doing month to month rent for us. Owner Frank lives in apartment attach to house. We have the house. It is 3 bedrooms & 2 1/2 bathroom & fence in backyard. We were in the base hotel till August 13. (So almost a month of living in a hotel.) We are # 4 on base housing list. We are hoping to get onto base housing as soon as possibly. Trevor meet some kids at the playground at the base hotel, the kids houses back up to the playground. Christina has meet the mom Joanne. We decided to register Trevor at the base school. Steve will take Trevor to before school care on base. Trevor will go to youth center after school till Steve can get him after work. So cheap for Trevor to join youth center ( $24 a whole year). Trevor starts school August 27. Above picture is of the house we are renting off base.