Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hoping to do before we move.

We are trying to do and see as much as possibly before we move. Trevor gets out of school June 17. We are flying to FL. that day or next. We are hoping to be able to visit Steve's Aunt/Uncle & Grandma a few days, then go to the Disney parks rest of time. Fly back to VA. June 26. On June 28 drive to OH. for Christina's family reunion for a week. Steve will fly back to VA. July 4 or 5. And get the house packed & moved. Christina, Trevor, Christina's mom Nancy & step dad Paul will drive from OH. to IL. to see Paul's side of family for a week. Nancy & Paul will fly back home to NC. Trevor & Christina will go to Steve's sister Tammy house in IL. till Steve gets there with other car & the dog Jazmine. We will tow Steve's car behind Christina's car and drive to North Dakota.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I am tired just from reading that! You are gonna be busy and it's still three months are definitely a planner!

Anonymous said...

You guys are SO busy!

Anonymous said...
