Saturday, December 20 we checked out of our time share. Trevor & Christina are flying on free airplane tickets, so we weren't able to fly out on Saturday. So Steve had enough Hilton hotel points that we could stay there for free. We got checked in & went to the pool & had lunch. Steve went geocaching. Rest of day we hang out & relaxed. Sunday, December 21 we went to airport. We were on runway ready to take off, and pilot came on and said we were waiting for some paperwork to get filed. Well after almost an hour they pull us back in to gate. They had us get off plane. Then told us the stewardess wouldn't be able to continue cause she would be over her time in the air for a day. So we had to book us for the flights we would miss. And wait for another crew to show up. After 4-5 hours we finally got on our way. We fly to San Fransisco got in about 1:00 a.m. Monday, December 22. They gave us a free hotel room and book us other flights. So we are stuck in San Fransisco for almost 2 days. With Christmas week, traveling is bad. And plus all the bad weather many places. We went to get our suitcases. The airline sent our suitcases on to North Carolina. So being stuck here 2 days same clothes, no stuff like tooth brush, brush, shampoo, etc just really sucks badly. I had Steve go & buy tiny shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. We are staying in another hotel room tonight. I hope we get to fly out tomorrow. But bad thing is they have us flying to Chicago. So who knows if we can even fly there or if we get there and get stuck there. Who knows. Trevor has had a couple meltdowns (crying) he is just done. He just wants to get back to North Carolina for Christmas. I can't get mad, he is tired, we are all tired. At least the Hawaii week was great. Keep looking for posts from us.