Thursday, November 6, 2008

TJ & Steve home sick

Steve & TJ are home sick today. Last night Steve started feeling yucky. We went to parent / teacher conference. When we got home he went right to bed. He threw up a few times last night. TJ got up today (before he even knew Steve was home from work) and said his tummy hurt. I had him go potty & eat breakfast. I sent him to school. I e-mailed his teachers and let them know what was going on. An hour & half after TJ got to school the nurse called me. So I went and picked him up. TJ & I went and got gas in Steve's car for him, then went to store and got chicken noodle soup. TJ ate very little. Steve said his tummy, he isn't sure he can eat or not. I am now having TJ lay down and try to take a nap.


Anonymous said...

Feel better TJ.

Dragonflymom said...

oh wow, hope they both get to feeling better really soon.